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[供应]德国Tschorn 寻边器
  • 产品产地:德国
  • 产品品牌:Tschorn
  • 包装规格:
  • 产品数量:0
  • 计量单位:
  • 产品单价:0
  • 更新日期:2014-10-16 13:42:45
  • 有效期至:2024-10-13
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德国Tschorn 寻边器 详细信息

Attractive  质感  、Slim  精巧、轻量化  Precise  精确 Robust  、坚实 、Economical  高性价比

Tschorn  3D  探测头具有简约、轻巧设计。其高精密度与多用途性,可快速拆装,并且判断工作原点与坐标。各轴向(X/Y/Z)可共享一支探针,找寻水平与垂直方向之工作坐标。当两指针(长/短)均指出“0”时,即表示主轴中心线与工件量测边对齐。安装在3D探测头的探针,若受到外力破坏,则探针会从断裂点破裂。以保证3D探测头本体,更换探针即可重新使用。

This is the smallest 3D probe in the world:
It features a sleek and attractive design. Its precision and versatility allow quick and easy determination of workpiece zero points and lengths.
The probing can be performed in all axis directions (X / Y / Z) with identical resolution. As soon as the pointer shows “0“, the spindle axis stands precisely on the workpiece edge.
The protection of the measuring unit is of topmost priority. For this purpose, large travel paths, limited by mechanical stops, have been integrated into the probing unit. The probing unit tip has a breaking point that is mounted near the top. If your 3D probes are damaged bythe effect of an external force, a simple repair is economically possible.


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