
您现在的位置: 运动、休闲 > 旅游、户外用品 > 健身器材 > 武义奇美嘉运动器械有限公司 > 供求信息
  • 产品产地:浙江
  • 产品品牌:奇美嘉
  • 包装规格:出口牛皮纸箱
  • 产品数量:1000
  • 计量单位:台
  • 产品单价:
  • 更新日期:2014-03-10 10:11:07
  • 有效期至:2014-03-20
  • 收藏此信息
漫步机,太空漫步机 详细信息

产品特别介绍: Features & Benefits 1. Gazelle Freestyle works the muscles of both your upper and lower body in a non-impact, easy gliding motion to burn calories, firm muscles and improve your cardiovascular endurance! 2. With three fun 20 minute sessions a week you will start to experience the health benefits of Gazelle Freestyle: more endurance, less body fat, improved muscle tone and increased energy. 3. The Gazelle Freestyle allows you to work out at a sensible level from beginners to advanced. To change the level of our workout depends on the way you position your body, the length of the glide and the pace that you decide to workout at. 4. The Gazelle Freestyle unit conveniently folds down and can be stored easily in a cupboard or under a bed. 5.The Gazelle Freestyle heart rate monitor and onboard computer offers seven features, which consist of speed, distance, auto scan, time, odometer, calorie and pulse rate. 6. The Gazelle Freestyle also contains Tony Little’s one-on-one personal trainer DVD or video, which will guide you through the exercises stage by stage and allow you to go at an appropriate level for your fitness.


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