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[供应]出售出租回收 CBL 6112B天线
  • 产品产地:宝安区
  • 产品品牌:深捷运
  • 包装规格:无
  • 产品数量:1
  • 计量单位:普通
  • 产品单价:0
  • 更新日期:2015-03-20 15:03:36
  • 有效期至:2016-03-19
  • 收藏此信息
出售出租回收 CBL 6112B天线 详细信息

product presentation:134、9020、0716詹 CBL 6112B天线 Discontinued, replaced by CBL 6112D. The CBL6112B is a high gain ultra wideband BiLog Antenna for emission and immunity EMC testing. Three Antennas In One The CBL 6112B operates over the unprecedented, wide range 30MHz to 2GHz. It effectively combines the performance of three standard EMC antennas, the Biconical, the Log Periodic and the Waveguide Horn. Considerable savings in the order of 40 - 50% can be made in expensive test time, plus the added benefit of improved repeatability and reliability by not having to laboriously disconnect and reconnect antennas during testing. Ideal for FCC15, EN/CISPR Compliance emission testing VHF radio approval applications Immunity testing to 300W CW Excellent balance < 1dB No rotational offsets Easily transportable Individual calibration The CBL 6112B is primarily an emission measuring antenna but can handle CW powers up to 300 watts,  making it suitable for most immunity measurements requiring fields up to 10V/m, or even greater. The CBL 6112B is linearly polarised and exhibits excellent balance.


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