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  • 产品产地:河南郑州
  • 产品品牌:郑州升龙电缆
  • 包装规格:国标
  • 产品数量:10254
  • 计量单位:普通
  • 产品单价:24
  • 更新日期:2015-01-07 15:18:40
  • 有效期至:2016-01-07
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防爆防腐电伴热带 详细信息

防爆防腐电伴热带 Explosion proof electric tracing band   防爆电伴热带非常适合我国工艺管线和罐体容器的伴热大多采用传统的蒸气或热水伴热。电伴热是用电热的能量来补充被伴热体在工艺流程中所散失的热量,从而维持流动介质最合理的工艺温度,它是一种高新技术产品。电伴热是沿管线长度方向或罐体容积大面积上的均匀放热,它不同于在一个点或小面积上热负荷高度集中的电伴热;电伴热温度梯度小,热稳定时间较长,适合长期使用,其所需的热量(电功率)大大低于电加热。电伴热具有热效率高,节约能源,设计简单,施工安装方便,无污染,使用寿命长,能实现遥控和自动控制等优点,是取代蒸汽或热水伴热的技术发展方向,是国家重点推广的节能项目。   可能发生爆炸的环境。(如:可燃性气体,粉尘环境,炼油、石化厂,加油站、加气站等) , 爆炸性气体环境 大气条件下,气体、蒸汽或雾状的可燃物质与空气构成的混合物,在该混合物中点燃后,燃烧将传遍整个未燃混合物的环境。(如:CH4,C2H2,C2H4,NH3,CO,C2H5OH等防爆电气设备)   常来说,防爆电器是指存在有爆炸危险性气体和蒸气的场所采用的一类电气设备。化工生产经常遇到各种有爆炸危险性的气体和蒸气,在有这些介质的地方,按照有关规范、标准和规定,正确选用合适的防爆电器,是保证安全生产、防止爆炸和火灾发生的重要措施。按类型分为隔爆型、增安型 、本质安全型、正压型、充油型、充砂型、无火花型、特殊型。主要品种有防爆转换开关及刀开关、防爆空气自动开关、工厂用防爆磁力起动器、防爆控制按钮、防爆操作柱、防爆行程开关、防爆插销、防爆接线箱、防爆接线盒、防爆管件及密封材料、防爆电磁铁及防爆电磁阀等。防止爆炸, 防止爆炸的产生必从三个必要条件来考虑,限制了其中的一个必要条件,就限制了爆炸的产生。选择相应的防爆型仪表和防爆型电气设备,标准的结构有:隔爆型、增安型、正压型、充沙型、本质安全型和充油型等 Explosion proof electric tracing band is very suitable for process pipeline in China and tank container with heat mostly uses traditional the steam or hot water heating. Electric heat tracing is to use electric energy to supplement with body is lost in the process of heat, thereby maintaining the process temperature flow medium in the most reasonable, it is a high and new technology products. Electric heat tracing is along the length of the pipeline of uniform exothermic direction or tank volume on a large area, it is different from the one point or small area heat loads on the highly centralized electric heating; electric heating small temperature gradient, heat stable time is longer, suitable for long-term use, the required heat (power) greatly is lower than the electric heating. Electric heating has high thermal efficiency, energy saving, simple design, convenient installation, no pollution, long service life, can realize remote control and automatic control and other advantages, is the direction of technology development to replace the steam or hot water heating, is energy-saving projects focus on the promotion of national.


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