
主营:钴基焊条;镍基焊条;不锈钢焊条;耐磨焊条;银焊条; 万能焊条;
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  • 更新日期:2022-02-09 10:23:52
  • 有效期至:2023-02-09
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斯米克L400银焊条 详细信息

L400 Cast rod, wire & rod
铸条、丝 577-582 Si11.5
Al Rem. Brazing of aluminum and aluminum alloys.
铝及铝合金的钎焊 BAlSi-4 L401 Cast rod
铸条 525-535 Si5 Cu28
Al Rem. Brazing of aluminum and aluminum alloys.
铝及铝合金的钎焊   L600 Wire & rod
丝 183-185 Sn60 Sb≤0.8
Pb Rem. Soldering of fusible metals and heat-treated part.
易熔金属及热处理件的钎焊60Sn L601 Wire & rod
丝 183-227 Sn18 Sb2
Pb Rem. Soldering of copper, copper alloys and galvanized iron plain sheet.
铜及铜合金、镀锌铁皮的钎焊。 18Sn L602 Wire & rod
丝 183-256 Sn30 Sb2
Pb Rem. Soldering of copper, brass, copper alloys and galvanized iron plain sheet.
铜、黄铜、铁、镀锌铁皮的钎焊30Sn L603 Wire & rod
丝 183-235 Sn40 Sb2
Pb Rem. Soldering of copper, copper alloys, steel and zinc parts.
铜及铜合金、钢、锌制零件的钎焊40Sn L604 Wire & rod
丝 183-222 Sn90 Sb≤0.15
Pb Rem. Soldering of copper and steel for food and medicine field.


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