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[供应]高频合成信号源 HP 8657B
  • 产品产地:美国
  • 产品品牌:惠普
  • 包装规格:不限
  • 产品数量:15
  • 计量单位:台
  • 产品单价:
  • 更新日期:2014-09-29 09:11:19
  • 有效期至:2024-09-26
  • 收藏此信息
高频合成信号源 HP 8657B 详细信息

高频合成信号源 HP 8657B 厂家: 美国惠普 性能指标pdf 频率范围 8657A : 100 kHz to 1040 MHz, 分辨力 10 Hz (无货) 8657B : 100 kHz to 2060 MHz, 分辨力 1 Hz 电平输出 范围 +13 to -143.5 dBm 精度 ±1 dB 分辨力 0.1 dB 调制 Simultaneous and mixed AM/FM modulation modes from internal (400 Hz and 1 kHz tones) and external sources 接口GPIB < 35 ms 频率开关速度 振幅偏移可同步调节 Amplitude offset and phase adjustment capabilities 反向功率保护: 50W 电子衰减器 0.3 GMSK Modulation Option The low residual FM and excellent phase noise performance of these signal generators make them ideal for many in-channel and even out-of-channel receiver tests. The 8657A/B is a versatile signal generator offering a variety of features, such as simultaneous and mixed modulation combinations of AM and FM, as well as a carrier phase adjust capability that allows you to characterize phase-sensitive devices. 电话: 010 - 62123258 邮箱: buy17@163.com


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