
主营:耐磨焊材 、不锈钢焊材、铜焊材、银焊材、进口焊材。
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[供应]奥地利伯乐BOHLER DMO-IG、ER80S-G焊丝
  • 产品产地:奥地利
  • 产品品牌:伯乐
  • 包装规格:BOHLER DMO-IG、ER80S-G
  • 产品数量:100000
  • 计量单位:公斤
  • 产品单价:电议
  • 更新日期:2015-12-06 15:49:44
  • 有效期至:2016-12-05
  • 收藏此信息
奥地利伯乐BOHLER DMO-IG、ER80S-G焊丝 详细信息


Classifications low-alloyed
EN ISO 21952-A: EN ISO 636-A: AWS A5.28:
W MoSi W 46 3 W2Mo (for rod) ER70S-A1 (ER80S-G)
Characteristics and field of use
TIG welding rod, copper coated for welding in boiler making, pressure vessel and pipeline construction,
crane building and steel construction. High-quality, very tough and crack-resistant weld metal, resistant
to ageing. Suitable for the temperature range from -30°C to 500°C (550°C). Very good welding and
flow behaviour.
Marks (rods0nly)
front: WMoSi
back: 1.5424
Base materials
creep-resistant steels and cast steels of the same type, steels resistant to ageing and to caustic cracking
16Mo3, 20MnMoNi4-5, 15NiCuMoNb5, S235JR-S355JR, S235JO-S355JO, S450JO, S235J2-S355J2,
S275N-S460N, S275M-S460M, P235GH-P355GH, P355N, P285NH-P460NH, P195TR1-P265TR1,
P195TR2-P265TR2, P195GH-P265GH, L245NB-L415NB, L450QB, L245MB-L450MB, GE200-GE300
ASTM A 29 Gr. 1013, 1016 A 106 Gr. C A, B A 182 Gr. F1 A 234 Gr. WP1 A 283 Gr. B, C, D A 335
Gr. P1 A 501 Gr. B A 533 Gr. B, C A 510 Gr. 1013 A 512 Gr. 1021, 1026 A 513 Gr. 1021, 1026 A
516 Gr. 70 A 633 Gr. C A 678 Gr. B A 709 Gr. 36, 50 A 711 Gr. 1013 API 5 L B, X42, X52, X60, X65
Typical composition of welding rod (Wt-%)
C Si Mn Mo
0.1 0.6 1.1 0.5
Mechanical properties of all-weld metal
Heat Treatment Yield strength
0.2% Tensile strength Elongation
Impact values
in J CVN
Shielding gas MPa MPa % +20°C: -30°C:
untreated 530 650 26 200 80
annealed* 480 570 27 230
*annealed, 620°C/1 h/furnace down to 300°C/air – shielding gas Argon
Operating data
Polarity = - Shielding gas:
100% Argon
Dimensions (mm)
1.6 2.0 2.4 3.0
Approvals and certificates
TÜV (0020.), KTA 1408.1 (8066.), DB (42.014.09), BV (UP), DNV (I YMS), CRS (3), CE, NAKS
Similar alloy filler metals
GMAW solid wire: DMO-IG
SAW combination:
EMS 2 Mo/BB 24, EMS 2 Mo/
BB 306, EMS 2 Mo/BB 400
EMS 2 Mo/BB 418 TT
EMS 2 Mo/BB 421 TT
SMAW electrode: FOX DMO Kb
Flux cored wire: DMO Ti-FD


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